
Customer Testimonials

ICC Cold Storage Products - Testimonials (Mobile)

Read what our Satisfied Customers
have to say about ICC!

Read what
our Satisfied Customers
have to say about ICC!

ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Best Western
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Main and Lincoln
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Food Pantry

Nicole Jones
Best Western

George Djurovic
Main + Lincoln

Linda Duttlinger
Sorrowful Mother Church
Food Pantry

Thank you for repairing our indoor pool dehumidification system! We are pleased to have found a capable and reliable company. We sincerely appreciate your responsiveness and dedication.
We sincerely appreciate your responsiveness and the way you follow thru with reliable customer service.
Thank-you, ICC. Your prompt assistance was much appreciated when our food pantry’s major refrigerator decided to turn itself into a freezer last month. Your help continued to allow us to provide food to our 225 client families.
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Little League Baseball
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Indiana Beverage

Jeff Newburn
Wanatah Little League

Jon Leetz
Indiana Beverage

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your company for getting our cooler working again! We were very pleased with the work completed and the kind staff we dealt with. Everyone went above and beyond for us and we really appreciate everything ICC and your employees did for us!
Always timely and on budget. The quality of ICC’s installations has exceeded our expectations, and the reliability and efficiency of their follow-up service has been outstanding. They go the extra mile, and we would, without reservation, recommend ICC.
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Best Western

Nicole Jones
Best Western

Thank you for repairing our indoor pool dehumidification system! We are pleased to have found a capable and reliable company. We sincerely appreciate your responsiveness and dedication.
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Main and Lincoln

George Djurovic
Main + Lincoln

We sincerely appreciate your responsiveness and the way you follow thru with reliable customer service.
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Food Pantry

Linda Duttlinger
Sorrowful Mother Church
Food Pantry

Thank-you, ICC. Your prompt assistance was much appreciated when our food pantry’s major refrigerator decided to turn itself into a freezer last month. Your help continued to allow us to provide food to our 225 client families.
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Little League Baseball

Jeff Newburn
Wanatah Little League

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your company for getting our cooler working again! We were very pleased with the work completed and the kind staff we dealt with. Everyone went above and beyond for us and we really appreciate everything ICC and your employees did for us!
ICC Cold Storage Products Testimonials - Indiana Beverage

Jon Leetz
Indiana Beverage

Always timely and on budget. The quality of ICC’s installations has exceeded our expectations, and the reliability and efficiency of their follow-up service has been outstanding. They go the extra mile, and we would, without reservation, recommend ICC.

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